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HVAC (pronounced “H-V-A-C” or, sometimes, “H-vak”) stands for Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning. HVAC as a term is generally used to describe building’s interior air system. You might also heard from some people referring to HVAC as climate control.

HVAC Contractor

The primary role of HVAC is to regulate heat supply, humidity levels and air quality in the building by using the outdoor air as its supply source. These elements at proper levels are essential to have for everyday comfortable and healthy environment.

Three Main Parts of HVAC

Heating is a crucial element in maintaining proper room temperature especially during winter season. There are two different types of heating systems central and local. Local heating is usually one heating unit per room of the house and mostly used in the warmer parts of the world. Central is mostly used in the colder climates and is more expensive to maintain.

Ventilation another important part of HVAC which deals with replacing air in the room or building or removing moisture, heat, smoke or dust and removing bacteria from the air. Two types of ventilation exist mechanical or natural. Natural ventilation is the ventilation of the area without any mechanical equipment, like fans, ducts, dampers or control systems. Ceiling fans do not consider as the part of the ventilation because they do not replace the air by just circulating it.

Air Conditioning system or a single air conditioner units are the third element of HVAC as they provide cooling, ventilation and control humidity in the room or a building. Central systems are installed mostly in the newer houses, offices and bigger buildings. Single units are popular with the smaller or older houses.

HVAC Today and Tommorow

A big push in the last 20 years was made towards efficiency of the HVAC systems. Constantly changing technology with increased awareness of environmental issues drive HVAC industry to achive maximum comfort for our homes and offices with reduced cost, minumum supervision and making the industy more energy efficient and environmentally friendly. Changes affecting commercial and residential heating and air conditioning are occurring beyond the boundaries of the HVAC and its partners industries. The federal government continues its strong movement into the world of energy efficiency.

In Canada the outolook on the HVAC industry is very bright. Overall employment and project growth of the industry projected to grow faster than average and are seen as the excellent source for employment and business oportunities in the next ten years. Even if the economy would decline and demand for real estate construction services would decrease, maintenance and repair would maintanin steady demand for services.


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